If you are a Baylor student traveling abroad without Baylor faculty or staff, please follow the steps below.
- Submit your application at least 45 days before departure.
- Please note, Travel Registration Form and Travel Approval Form (found in the registration) must be completed in full with Department CoA and proper signatures and uploaded into BearsAbroad before your trip can be approved by the Vice Provost for Global Engagement.
Step 1: Register Your Travel - Student
- Register your student travel here.
Step 2: Baylor Approval for Your Travel
- Students must have Baylor faculty or staff sponsorship to register international travel. In many cases, course credit signifies Baylor sponsorship. Students must first seek sponsorship and departmental approval before completing the international travel application. If there is a question of sponsorship or the "official" nature of an international program that a student wishes to take independently, please contact the Center for Global Engagement.
Step 3: Required Forms
- If you are traveling to a high-risk location, an additional high-risk travel waiver will be required.
- If you will be taking Baylor-owned technology, make sure that you printed the Export License Exception form that is sent via email after completion of the travel registration. You will carry this document with you.
Step 4: International Insurance
- Baylor students are enrolled in the university's international insurance policy when doing Baylor business or using Baylor funds. The cost of insurance is $3/day of travel per participant. If guests (spouse, dependent, etc.) will accompany you for any part of your international travel, they are also enrolled in the international policy. Your insurance cost will be charged to your department.
- Baylor international travel is covered by an On Call insurance policy. Your travel registration is your enrollment for insurance. A digital card will be sent via email after completion of the travel registration. Scroll to the bottom of the digital card and add the contact information to your smartphone via QR code or link.
- (Note: Insurance coverage is only during the business part of your trip. Personal travel is not covered. The business travel is noted in the dates used for your travel registration.
International travel
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