When Baylor faculty or staff are traveling abroad on Baylor business without students, we ask you to please follow the steps below.
- Please note, that access to BearsAbroad is restricted for faculty and staff and you must be on campus or logged on via Baylor's VPN in order to apply: VPN installation instructions.
- Travel registration is only for business travel. Personal travel doesn’t need to be registered. No insurance coverage is available for personal travel.
- All business travel registration must be completed 2 weeks before the start date of the travel.
Step 1: Register Your Travel - Faculty/Staff Only Travel
- Register your travel here.
- Click the green circle with the plus sign and enter location and dates of travel (arrival date is when you depart, and departure date is when you return) > click continue > click get started > complete all items listed (please click “done” or “sign” at the end of each section)
Step 2: Export License Form
Baylor Technology
- If you will be taking Baylor-owned technology, make sure that you printed the Export License Exception form that is sent via email after completion of the travel registration. You will carry this document with you.
- If traveling to a high-risk location, an additional high-risk travel waiver will be required.
Step 3: International Insurance
- Baylor international travel is covered by an On Call insurance policy at no cost to faculty and staff. Your travel registration is your enrollment for insurance. A digital card will be sent via email after completion of the travel registration. Scroll to the bottom of the card and add the contact information to your smartphone via QR code or link.
- Guests accompanying faculty/staff on their international travel will be charged for the insurance costs at $3 per day. This can be paid to Baylor University via check, money order, or cash and dropped off at our office in Sid Richardson Building, First Floor - East Wing. Please make payment before you depart.
- (Note: Insurance coverage for you and your dependent(s) is only during the business part of your trip. Personal travel is not covered. The business travel is noted in the dates used for your travel registration.) If a change in the itinerary needs to be made, please contact Lynae_Jordan@baylor.edu.